Industrial Slider 10,000
Industrial Slider 10,000
The Double diamond is the largest industrial automatic door with pedestrian door safety and the only automatic door with forklift sensing.

Features & Benefits
- Forklift sensing reduces energy loss by as much as 10% by utilizing object size recognition to open doors wider for fork lift traffic and acrylite panels provide superior R-value compared to glass
- 50% faster opening times compared to roll up doors
- 4.5 seconds to fully open for forklifts
- 2.5 seconds to partial open for pedestirans
- Trackless design minimizes maintenance and elimantes cleaning of debris from ordinary floor tracks
- Durable design ideal for home center daily rigors
- All welded door panels for rigidity and long life
- Forklift crash tested to ensure panels remain intact
- Crash bars and kick plates absorb shock in the event of cart collisions